POST api/v1.0/search
Run a doRiNA search
No required parameters
Name | Type | Description | Default | Example Values | Required |
uuid | string | UUID assigned to session when starting the search | - | f2b4e02-1c94-443b-9326-901dc8ebd351 | yes |
assembly | string | name of an assembly | - | hg19 | yes |
set_a | array of strings | ids of regulators to use for set A | - | ["PARCLIP_PUM2_hg19", "hsa-miR-221-3p"] | yes |
match_a | string | any or all regulators of set A should match | any | all | no |
region_a | string | choice of (any/CDS/5prime/3prime/intron/intergenic) | any | CDS | no |
window_a | integer | regulators of set A must match within a window of x bp | -1 (disabled) | 100 | no |
set_b | array of strings | ids of regulators to use for set b | [] | ["PARCLIP_PUM2_hg19", "hsa-miR-221-3p"] | no |
match_b | string | any or all regulators of set B should match | any | all | no |
region_b | string | choice of (any/CDS/5prime/3prime/intron/intergenic) | any | CDS | no |
window_b | integer | regulators of set B must match within a window of x bp | -1 (disabled) | 100 | no |
genes | array of strings | RefSeq IDs of genes to limit search to | ["all"] | ["NM_000023", "NM_004711"] | no |
Examle Request
curl -d set_a[]=PARCLIP_PUM2_hg19 -d set_a[]=hsa-miR-221-3p -d assembly=hg19 -d match_a=all -d uuid=custom-uuid -X POST
"state": "pending",
"uuid": "custom-uuid"